About Us

Preprocessed People

Hey! We are Preprocessed Ppl.
Think of society as a vast kitchen, and Preprocessed People as the culinary chefs who’ve tasted, seasoned, and blended the diverse ingredients of norms, trends, and values. We’ve crafted a unique dish of character, spiced with societal flavors and peppered with a dash of humor throughout our life journey. Hence, we’ve became preprocessed and now we are on the journey to explore ourselves more.
Within the scope of the Applied Data Analysis course @EPFL, we aim to perform data analysis in order to reveal the gender bias in the movie industry. In our main homepage you can find the study which examines the representation of gender in the movie industry and the extent of female under-representation and gender stereotyping.
Group members:

  • Zeynep Tandogan (zeyneptandogan@epfl.ch)
  • Adam Barla (adam.barla@epfl.ch)
  • Berke Argin (berke.argin@epfl.ch)
  • Nazlican Turan (nazlican.turan@epfl.ch)